
FLEXSHIP Project’s Kick – Off Meeting 22 February & 23 February -Brussels, Belgium

The official FLEXSHIP Kick off meeting was held on February 22nd and 23rd, 2023 in Brussels, Belgium. The main objective of the kick-off meeting was to officially start up the FLEXSHIP project and introduce the team with a formal get-together. The meeting was designed to orient the newly formed team to the reasons for the project and ensure that the partners have a common understanding of goals and steps forward.
The meeting was mainly built up on the Work Packages in the FLEXSHIP project where WP leaders with task leaders introduced their parts which were followed by discussions on inputs, possibilities, task distribution, risks and needs regarding a specific WP or task. The Project Officer from CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency introduced the organizations role for the project and gave tips and vital know-how on tasks to come.

Project goal

The overall goal of FLEXSHIP is to develop and validate safe and reliable, flexible, modular, and scalable solutions for #electrification of the #waterborne sector. This includes the reliable design and development of modular #battery packs; safe on-board #integration including the #battery system and its associated #electrical distribution grid into the #vessel’s existing power grid; optimal design of #energy #management system (EMS) to maximise the operational #flexibility and #energy efficiency (both full-electric and hybrid), and smart control for improved lifetime of the #battery system and critical power components. The objectives will be achieved by 8 Work Packages and 16 partners within 48 months.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 101095863.

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