Electrification and electrical energy storage is one of the major drivers for climate neutrality in the waterborne


Electrification and electrical energy storage is one of the major drivers for climate neutrality in the waterborne sector


The FLEXSHIPS project will help to push the EU on the forefront of electrification in the waterborne sector by delivering innovative technologies, processes and strategies for the on-board safe integration of large battery systems on multiple types of ships.

Two innovative vessel demonstrators will be developed and exploited to demonstrate the solutions of the fully integrated on-board battery systems and address the complex electrical networks for different types of ships. The project outcomes will contribute to enhance the development and verification of electrical architectures and power management systems for both fully electric and hybrid vessels.

In this way the project will contribute in the long term to zero emission waterborne transport and noise reduction when approaching and staying in the harbor. The FLEXSHIP project will strengthen the European goal for zero emission waterborne transport and contribute to the further electrification of the European waterborne network of thousands of seaborne, river borne and inland borne ships.

An overview of the expected project outcome, impact and time to market

Contribution to the expected outcomes of the call topic


Contributions to two full scale vessel demonstrators, hybrid and fully electric, by 2027 covering a sailing distance of at least 300 nm in the case of a fully electric vessel.


Development and validation of electrical architectures for large battery systems on-board.


Proof of the safe integration of battery systems into the ship’s electrical grid for a relevant number of ship types (e.g., IWT, short sea vessels, cruise ships, ferries) and operational scenarios


Verification of the architecture and the power management system for two cases: hybrid and fully electric


Documentation of skills requirements for the crew


In the short term, facilitate full battery electric transit for reduced noise and zero emissions on shorter routes (up to 100 nm) and during approach and harbour stay

FLEXSHIP unique contribution towards the wider impacts in the destination

FLEXSHIP will contribute to the long-term impacts of Destination 5 that aim to improve the climate and environmental footprint, as well as competitiveness, of different transport modes.

In this respect, the FLEXSHIP partners aim to become leading experts in climate-neutral and environmentally friendly battery-electric solutions for the waterborne transport sector.

FLEXSHIP contribution towards the impacts of Destination 5