
1st Workshop of FLEXSHIP project – Kocaeli Kongre Merkezi – Turkey

FLEXSHIP project organised the 1st Workshop in the Kocaeli Kongre Merkezi – Turkey on the 7th of July 2023, to highlight the overall goal of FLEXSHIP, to share and exchange knowledge on solutions for electrification of the waterborne sector. This workshop was jointly hosted by the FLEXSHIP consortium with physically and online participation.

The project Coordinator opened the day by welcoming the participants and an overview of the project was presented by Mrs. Carmen Leticia Castrejon Barron(BRING), including the concept and aims and highlighting its preliminary results and expected outcomes.

The following session was dedicated to the presentation of the work packages by each partner:

• Overview of WP1

• Overview of WP2

• Overview of WP3

• Overview of WP4

• Overview of WP5

• Overview of WP6

Lively discussion followed and the objective of the workshop was to give to external stakeholders as the industry and scientific community an overview of the FLEXSHIP project framework to expand the project results beyond the consortium and leverage with industry. The overall goal of FLEXSHIP is to develop and validate safe and reliable, flexible, modular, and scalable solutions for electrification of the waterborne sector.

Closing the day Mrs. Carmen Leticia Castrejon Barron(BRING), made a summary of the Workshop and its findings, thanking all for their participation and active involvement, while inviting them to stay tuned, follow and contribute to the project’s progress.

FLEXSHIP received funding from EU Horizon Europe research and innovation program under Grant Agreement no. 101095863.

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